Monday 31 December 2007

Nuclear energy to be a top Australian issue in 2008

Craig James, chief equities economist at CommSec adds Nuclear Energy to the list of Big Economic Issues - 2008.

A look a the entire list will show why. Of the 10 items listed, 4 [other than nuclear] are related to climate change - the principal driver for the consideration of nuclear energy in Australia.

Craig James
To date, attention as tended to focus on ‘green’ energy rather than more efficient sources such as nuclear energy. But conservation and public interest groups and political parties are re-assessing views on nuclear energy and we expect that debate to accelerate in 2008.

Patrick Moore, one of the founders of Greenpeace in the 1970s, has dropped his opposition to nuclear energy, encouraging the environmental movement to do likewise, “because nuclear energy may just be the energy source that can save our planet from another possible disaster: catastrophic climate change”.

While views on nuclear energy are firmly held, they could change quickly if oil prices continue to soar and the process of climate change is shown to be moving at a faster rate.
More may be found in the report from the Business Spectator.

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