Saturday, 23 June 2007

Tips and Ash

The World Nuclear News is reporting that Sparton Resources of Canada has entered into an agreement with Akanani Investment Corp (AIC) to evaluate uranium extraction possibilities from waste coal ash in South Africa.

Rod at the Atomic Insights blog has gone into this issue in a bit more detail.

100's of tonnes of Uranium??? Crikey Rod - will this ash become a proliferation issue?? [Anyone with even a cursory understanding of nuclear technology should get the joke.] Everyone else... be afraid... very, very afraid! Just one more reason why the indiscriminate dumping of fossil power station waste will eventually lead to our demise.

On a more serious note, this is further evidence in support of Haydon Manning's paper where he discusses all the places one finds uranium [i.e. mixed in with other materials that are already being mined].

Further information

1 comment:

  1. Whilst reading you blog I felt compelled to give you four articles about nuclear energy from around the world:

    Bush facing up to climate change, backing nuclear

    George Bush visited a nuclear power station yesterday, the Browns Ferry 1 reactor, that had been mothballed for over 20 year, but has now been restarted. He said that there was no solution to climate change without nuclear energy.

    click here fo the full story

    Global companies rush to get approval for UK new build

    Four of the main nuclear reactor companies have submited details of their latest designs to the UK Government's regulators. They've also sent details of the electricity utility companies that support them. If the companies are successful in getting approval then their designs will have got through the first stage of approval, ahead of the start of the next decade when the first applications for actual nuclear construction in the UK could get going.

    click here for the full story

    Uranium is found in the strangest places!

    A Canadian and South African company are collaborating to see if they can extract uranium from the ashes of coal burnt in the South African coal-fired power stations. Although it is perfectly safe, there's a surprising amount of uranium in some coal deposits. In some cases you can get more energy from the uranium in coal than you can from the coal itself.

    click here for the full story

    Estonia considering underwater reactor

    Estonia is thinking about building a nuclear reactor in shallow waters just of its coast,. It may cost more than an onshore design, but they still think it is worth looking at.

    click here for the full story
