Democrats leader Lyn Allison is claiming Australia can (and should) rely on renewables to achieve greenhouse gas reduction targets.
She points to Denmark as an example. But as I've pointed out here, while Denmark's efforts are worthy of respect, they have failed to achieve adequate emission reduction results.
Similarly with solar. I have been unable to find an example where solar power has achieved anywhere near the results necessary to help Australia achieve any respectable reduction in emissions.
However, with respect to nuclear - have a look at the below table from this BBC article on Canada's recent announcement that it will miss its Kyoto targets:

Austria - no nuclear power programme
Portugal - no nuclear power programme
Finland - 4 operating reactors producing about 25% of the nation’s electricity. A fifth reactor is under construction for operation beginning in 2011.
Italy - had 4 operating reactors, but shut them all down following the Chernobyl accident. Italy currently imports over 10% of its electrical power from nuclear power stations in surrounding countries.
Denmark - no nuclear power programme
Ireland - no nuclear power programme
Greece - no nuclear power programme
Luxembourg - no nuclear power programme
Belgium - 7 operating reactors generating more than 50% of the nation's electricity
Netherlands - 1 operating reactor generating 4% of the nation's electricity, also imports some nuclear
France - 59 operating nuclear reactors generating 78% of the nation's electricity. France embraced the nuclear fuel cycle early on and today is the world's largest net exporter of electricity. France gains over 3 billion Euro (4.9 billion $AUD) a year from these exports.
Germany - 17 operating reactors produce 33% of the nation's electricity
United Kingdom - 19 operating reactors produce 20% of the nation's electricity
Sweden - 10 operating reactors produce 45% of the nation's electricity. With hydro producing 47%, Sweden seems to be a Kyoto poster-child.
Looking at these real world examples; ALL countries above who are ahead of their Kyoto schedule rely on nuclear as part of their generating portfolios. Also EVERY country without nuclear plants is struggling to fulfil its Kyoto commitments.
The data and experience support nuclear power's role in any credible effort to address emissions - particularly to achieve the daunting targets being proposed by some in Australia.